Wednesday, January 4, 2017

I love the way that sometimes, science can be art. These are two different thin sections of rocks I analyzed in my geochemistry class. The bright colors seen in some minerals are called birefringence. Still trying to figure out how my two fields of study that I've been focusing on-- geology and sculpture-- can come together. I love the hands-on nature that both fields give me.

1 comment:

  1. hello morgan i thought these thin sections were MIND-BLOWING!! even just having taken the one geo course last year i can see what attracts you to the field (haaaaaaaa). i'm sure the scientific nitty gritty of it can get to be kind of overwhelming so it's awesome that you can use art to center yourself and blow off that steam. i'm super lookin forward to seeing how you incorporate your interests in geology into your art and make it yours!
